grdctl - Command line tool for configuring GNOME Remote Desktop
grdctl provides methods for configuring the GNOME Remote Desktop service, for example setting credentials.
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rdp enable
Enable the RDP backend.
rdp disable
Disable the RDP backend.
rdp set-tls-cert TLS-CERT
Set path to TLS certificate.
rdp set-tls-key TLS-KEY
Set path to TLS key.
rdp set-credentials USERNAME PASSWORD
Set username and password credentials.
rdp clear-credentials
Clear username and password credentials.
rdp enable-view-only
Disable remote control of input devices.
rdp disable-view-only
Enable remote control of input devices.
The bug tracker can be reached by visiting the website Before sending a bug report, please verify that you have the latest version of gnome-remote-desktop. Many bugs (major and minor) are fixed at each release, and if yours is out of date, the problem may already have been solved.