rygel.conf - Rygel configuration file
rygel reads its configuration values from the file $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/rygel.conf or a file given on command line with the --config option. If that file does not exist it uses the file /etc/rygel.conf.
Most of the options may be overriden by commandline arguments or envronment variables. See rygel(1) for details on those.
Lists in the configuration files are separated by a semicolon (;). Boolean values may be either true or false.
Set to false to disable binding to IPv6 addresses
Semicolon separated list separated of the network interfaces rygel should listen on. May be an IP, an interface name or on Linux even the ESSID of a wireless network.
Set the listen-port.
Set to true to enable transcoding in general.
Comma-separated list of DOMAIN:LEVEL pairs, allowing to set the log level individually for each domain, where DOMAIN is eiher "*", "rygel" or the name of a plugin. Allowed log levels are 1=error, 2=critical, 3=warning, 4=message/info, 5=debug. Note that on recent versions of GLib (>= 2.36) it is required to set the environment variable G_MESSAGES_DEBUG to all to get any debug output.
Set the plugin search path.
Set the engine search path.
Name of the loadable module to use as media engine back-end.
Allow uploading of media files via UPnP.
Allow remote media file deletion via UPnP.
If allow-upload is true, use this folder to store uploaded videos. It defaults to @VIDEOS@ which expands to the default directory for video files (usually $HOME/Videos).
If allow-upload is true, use this folder to store uploaded music files. It defaults to @MUSIC@ which expands to the default directory for music files (usually $HOME/Music).
If allow-upload is true, use this folder to store uploaded pictures. It defaults to @PICTURES@ which expands to the default directory for picture files (usually $HOME/Pictures).
Semicolon-separated list of device user-agents (or parts thereof) which need a forced downgrade to MediaServer:1 and/or ContentDirectory:1.
Only use this parameter if you know what yourre doing or are being told to do so; overriding the default value might cause incompatibilites. If you find that adding your device here enables its usage with Rygel, please file an IOP bug[1] so we can include it into the default configuration.
This is the default policy that is used if no access control provider is found on the D-Bus. Use true to allow access from every peer, false to deny all access. If it is not specified, the default fall-back policy is true.
The settings in the [Database]section are for the database support library.
Set to true to show the SQL statements used.
The settings in the [GstMediaEngine] section are specific to the GStreamer media engine, which is the default media engine. See the media-engine setting. These following options are available for the GStreamer[2] media engine.
A semicolon-separated list of the active transcoders. This setting has no effect if enable-transcoding is set to false. Possible values are: lpcm,mp3,mp2ts,aac,avc or wmv. Its default value is lpcm;mp3;mp2ts;aac;wmv.
Sections for plugins are denoted with [PluginName] and can contain options specific to a plugin (see below) as well these common options:
Title of the device implemented by this plugin. There are some variables which will be replaced by rygel. @REALNAME@ will be subsituted by the users real name, @USERNAME@ by the users login id and @HOSTNAME@ by the name of the machine rygel runs on.
You can individually enable or disable plugins by setting this to true or false.
Set to true to if you would like the UPnP device to contain a EnergyManagement service. Note that additional configuration is required, see EnergyManagement settings.
Set to true if you would like the UPnP device to contain a BasicManagement:2 service that allows running tools like ping, nslookup and traceroute remotely.
A string that will be sent as the "Server:" header in a HTTP response.
The settings in [EnergyManagement-IFACENAME] sections specify the settings that relate to EnergyManagement services on this interface. Example: [EnergyManagement-eth0].
The NetworkInterfaceMode that should be used when suspended. Default is "Unimplemented", other valid values are "IP-up-Periodic”, "IP-down-no-Wake", "IP-down-with-WakeOn", "IP-down-with-WakeAuto", "IP-down-with-WakeOnAuto".
Optional WakeSupportedTransport that the service should advertize. Valid values are "UDP-Broadcast", "UDP-Unicast", "TCP-Unicast", "Other".
Optional hexadecimal password that will be used to build the WakeOnPattern.
The tracker plugin uses the centralized database of meta information from the tracker project. See the tracker project website[3] for more information about tracker.
Enable or disable sharing of all pictures in the Tracker database.
Enable or disable sharing of all videos in the Tracker database.
Enable or disable sharing of all music in the Tracker database.
The MediaExport plugin is an alternative to the tracker-backed media export. It extracts meta-data by itself and stores it in a SQLite[4] database in $XDG_CACHE_DIR/rygel/media-export.db on UNIX platforms.
If both plugins, Tracker as well as MediaExport are enabled, MediaExport will disable itself in favour of the Tracker plugin.
There are several options supported by this plugin:
A list of URIS to expose via UPnP. May be files, folders or anything supported by GVFS. If left emtpy it defaults to export the users music, video and picture folders as defined per XDG special user directories spec. These default folders can be referenced by @MUSIC@, @PICTURES@ and @VIDEOS@. Locations can be entered as either fully escaped URIS or normal paths.
If you enter a normal path that contains whitespace there is no need to escape them with either a backslash or putting the string in quotes.
It is strongly advised against using an exported folder as a target for downloads when extract-metadata is enabled. Rygel will most likely ignore the files then because they will fail to extract.Example 1. Possible values for uris
uris=@MUSIC@;/home/user/My Pictures;file:///home/user/My%20Videos
Set to false if you do not care about duration or any other meta-data like artist. This speeds up the initial crawl of the media a lot. Use it to quickly share some files via UPnP. Make sure to define an include-filter, otherwise you will end up with a lot of files exposed which the client cannot display anyway.
Set to false if you dont want to have new files picked up automatically by rygel.
Time in seconds to wait after a new file has been detected before trying to extract meta-data from it. Useful if youre downloading to a directory watched by rygel. Default is 5 seconds.
Set to false if you dont need the virtual folder hierarchy.
The Playbin plugin implements a media renderer (Digtal Media Renderer, DMR in DLNA terms). This plugin was known as GstRenderer.
It is highly recommended to leave the sink choice to playbin. If, however, the default choices dont work for you they can be reconfigured as follows
Definition of the audio sink to use. Can be a single element or a partial pipeline definition in gst-launchs syntax
Definition of the video sink to use. Can be a single element or a partial pipeline definition in gst-launchs syntax
The LightMediaScanner plugin exports the contents of the lightmediascanner daemon[5]
This plugin does not have any special options.
The GstLaunch plugin allows to expose GStreamer pipelines using the same syntax as the gst-launch utilty. You can configure several items in this plugins.
A list of of identifiers for the pipelines to be exposed.
Title of the device represented by this pipeline. Identifier is the identifier as set in launch-items
Mime-type of the pipeline.
Definition of the pipeline in gst-launch syntax. For some examples on writing pipelines see gst-launch(1).
DLNA profile for the stream.
An example configuration is available in the distributed configuration file /etc/rygel.conf.
The External plugin is an consumer of the MediaServer2 DBus interface specification[6]. This allows external programs to share their data via UPnP by implementing this DBus specification. The plugin picks up any implementation of this interface on the session bus and exposes the presented media via UPnP. Known implementors of this spec are gnome-dvb-daemon[7], Rhythmbox[8] and Grilo[9] via the grilo-ms2 project.
You can disable the whole functionality by setting enabled=false in the [External] section of the configuration file.
Individual peers may be enabled or disabled by creating sections corresponding to the D-Bus names of the peer:
[org.gnome.UPnP.MediaServer2.Rhythmbox] enabled=false
This plugin has no additional options.
The MPRIS plugin is a consumer of the MPRIS2 DBus interface specification[10]. The implementation conforms to version 2.0 of the standard.
rygel exposes media players that implement the provider side of this DBus specification as DLNA Digital Media Renderers (DMR) similar to the Playbin plugin. This means that you can easily turn your media player into a DMR by implementing this DBus specification.
Players that implement this spec and are known to work with rygel are Banshee[11], Rhythmbox[8] and GNOME Videos (previously known as Totem)[12]
You can disable the whole functionality by setting enabled=false in the [MRPIS] section of the configuration file.
The configuration of this plugin is special. Plugin configuration is not done on the plugin but rather per peer that is found providing the MPRIS2 interface. See the following example to set the title for Banshee on MPRIS:
[org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.banshee] title=@REALNAME@s Banshee on @HOSTNAME@
This plugin has no additional options.
rygel(1), gst-launch(1)
Jens Georg <mail@jensge.org>
Wrote this manpage.
file an IOP bug
tracker project website
lightmediascanner daemon
MediaServer2 DBus interface specification
MPRIS2 DBus interface specification
GNOME Videos (previously known as Totem)